6 Holiday Emails That Get Customers To Buy Buy Buy

The annual Deloitte Holiday sales forecast reported that more than 84% of shoppers admitted to using digital tools such as their smart phones, before and during their shopping trips. Deloitte claims that these shoppers are 40 percent more likely to make a purchase than those who do not use such digital devices in their researching and shopping process. Furthermore, over 90% of customers stated they visited a store because of an online experience.

These numbers make it glaringly clear that if you’re not actively marketing your products specifically towards mobile devices and online interactions then you’re missing out on a huge slice of cake. There is no better way to digitally influence your shoppers habits then a well put together email marketing campaign. It is cost efficient, quick to implement, and when done right can be highly profitable. We’ve rounded up 6 holiday email marketing newsletters that use effective copy, design, and strategy to get their customers to buy buy buy! 

1. Lab Partners Holiday Gif

Lab Partner's holiday promotion

Why this works: Outlandish gifs are often irritating to view. By using  an unobtrusive moving aspect (the snow), Lab Partners was able to catch the recipients attention, without being a visual repellant. The eyes of the recipient are naturally directed downward through the use of a large hero image width at the top of the graphic narrowing down through its progression to the bottom. This visual arrow takes us to the clearly identifiable promotional code.  The promo code is highlighted, centered, and simple. 

2. Social Media Campaign – Starbucks

Starbucks Social Media Campaign

Why This Works: Most companies compile email list to target their customers, but how do they get their message to a greater audience than the list itself? The answer for Starbucks was to cross-pollinate their email marketing and social media by focusing their call to action on social sharing. Using this approach Starbucks is able to easily increase their brand reach while reengaging their present list. By backing their email with a generous deal, recipients are incentivized to be the champions of their social sphere by sharing this offer to their friends too! An easy way to get retweets and Facebook likes for both consumers and Starbucks. Brilliantly executed.

3. Last minute E-Gifting campaign

Victoria's Secret E-Gifting

Why This Works: Despite what some say, shopping for friends and family is tough. When time is ticking down the answer for most Americans is a gift card. Gift cards make the giving process a little less personal, but a whole lot easier. This Victoria’s Secret campaign takes advantage of time sensitive shoppers who are running behind to get gifts for friends and family by offering them a last minute gift card that they can buy and send in a single click, and deliver instantaneously through email. Did I mention 61% of gift card holders end up spending more than the purchased value of their gift card?

4. Copy is King


Why This Works:

At the end of the day nothing beats effective copy. Boloco perfectly utilizes the Christmas concept of naughty or nice to make a compelling offer that can’t be ignored. Do I want to be nice, or do I want be naughty, either way Boloco wins.

5. Tick Down Campaign


Toysstore Holiday deal

Why This Works: 

Have you ever bought something hastily because you were in a rush or afraid the offer wouldn’t last? If yes, your idea of urgency won the purchase. The Furby offer by Movable Ink creates immediate urgency in the form of an offer tick down.

6. Happy Holiday’s Piece

Why This Works:

The Scratch-it email is a fun, engaging and interactive way to simply say “Happy Holidays” to their loyal customers. By occasionally sending emails that thank your customers instead of sales focused pitch you build brand engagement and build positive brand recognition for future campaigns. The “thank you” or “Happy Holidays” email is the perfect assist to your big promotional offers in the pipeline.

Take these 6 inspirational emails and create a brand experience that will have your customers up in arms over your product.

Happy Holidays!