Scratch-it’s Love Affair with Litmus ;)

Scratch-it fell in love with Litmus in early 2014. Why? Litmus is a beautiful, fast, and effective email testing software. Could you blame us for swooning?

Why you need to use email and browser testing:  There are so many pieces that go into making a great email. A/B testing subject lines, the content, personalization, as well as making sure all the links are redirecting to the right pages. Don’t you think it would be a shame if after all that work the end user received a mumbled jumbled email? We think so. Therefore it is crucial that you make sure your emails will look great in every browser, whether it be Outlook, Firefox, or Explorer. Nobody wants to get the dreaded phone call from a client that their email didn’t work, or that aspects of it looked fractured. Here at Scratch-it we love the peace of mind Litmus gives us when sending out emails.

Litmus makes email testing easy: Litmus is super simple to use. When you first signup for an account Litmus will provide you with an email address to send all your test emails to. Once you send your tests, you log back in to Litmus to see your email previewed in 30+ email clients and devices within a few minutes.The interface to browse the screenshots of all the emails is really easy to understand.

Newsletter on Litmus
Our newsletter email displayed in Litmus.

To see what our newsletter looks like fully displayed in all browsers & devices click here.

Furthermore, we think it is awesome that they provide us with the option to easily mark whether a client “looks great” or “needs work”.

looks great
You can easily mark each browser client

Website Testing

Is email not your thing? Well, if you need your webpage tested Litmus has got you covered too. Just send the URL of of your webpage and litmus will promptly provide previews of 11 different browser shots. If you encounter any problems you can click the retest button in the upper right corner. The retest feature allows you to quickly view how the new changes made will look compared to your original.

Scratch-it homepage
Scratch-it homepage displayed on 11 Desktop Browsers

Spam Filters

A spam filter is a very important tool. If your email is written off as spam it may never reach your targeted audience. Testing your emails using a spam filter helps to ensure that your email makes it all the way to your subscribers’ inbox. The tool works by checking your IP address as well as the domains in your content against blacklists. The tool also verifies that email authentication methods such as DKIM, SenderID, and Sender Policy Framework are correct. On top of that, Litmus provides a spam score, as well as an explanation of why you got that score. The explanation of the score allows you to fully understand what needs to be changed in the emails content to improve the delivery rate.

spam filter
Litmus Spam Test Report

Litmus Analytics

With Litmus email analytics you can track a number of different fields including geolocation, open rates, subscriber engagement, and mobile performance.This feature is crucial for those who are not tracking their email analytics on a separate platform. Knowing how effective your email campaigns are and in which fields will greatly help you target & tweak the next time around. We especially like the geolocation tracking as it provides validation for our international campaigns.


For more info on Litmus click here