Step by Step Guide on How to Design your Scratch-its

Part 1 Getting Started

Log in to your Scratch-it account to begin designing a new scratch-it.

Name your scratch-it and create your subject line.
Choose something intriguing that will make your client want to open it and start scratching.

Scratch-it subject line
Our example subject line is: “The water’s still warm, scratch-it for summer savings.”

Part 2 Design

Scratch-it design
The design section of our platform is where you will customize your scratch-its.

Step 1 Header Bar

1.1 Logo: The first step to designing you scratch-it is to upload your company logo.

scratch-it upload company logo button

1.2 Header bar color. Next set your bar color & transparency.

scratch-it bar color and transparency
we chose a plain white header because the image and background are bright colors.


Step 2 Scratch Image

2.1 Hand Color: set your hand color to a color that goes well with the image. We chose orange (the complimentary color of blue) and set the opacity to 75%.

scratch-it color
The “Scratch Image” is where you will upload your image and customize both hand and border color.

2.2 Pick a Border Color: Next, choose your border color. We left our border color as white.

Screen Shot 2014-07-11 at 10.33.44 AM

Step 3 Deal Details

3.1 Under “Deal Details” in the Scratch-it platform, upload the offer image your want to present.

scratch-it deal details

3.2 Redeem Button Under “Advanced Options” you may change the color of the bar. The color we chose is: #0BA098. Here you may also change the color of the text. We chose white.

scratch-it deal button


Step 4 Page Background

4.1 Set Page Background Image & Color: Choose a background image and  color during this step.

scratch-it page background  


Step 5 Email Generator

Customize your email details under “Email Generator”.

5.1 Headline:Under headline you can click “advanced options” to change the font of your headline.

Scratch-It headline

5.2 Call To Action:Under the “Advanced Options” you choose the change the call to action text and call to action color.

Scratch-It call to action

5.3 Background Color: This is also where you set the background color for your email.

Scratch-it background color 


Next click “Review and Publish” to publish your scratch-it and obtain your HTML.

Your Scratch-it 

Congratulations you have designed a Scratch-it.