B2B Sticky Content

How to Get More B2B Customers Using Sticky Content

“Sticky content” is a lot more than just a buzzword these days, it’s a strategy many brands and marketers are embracing to increase their bottom line. 

Let’s start with the basics first – what exactly is sticky content? We can look at this definition.

Sticky content is information or features on a website that give users a compelling reason to visit it frequently.
Sounds good. What brand doesn’t want visitors to frequent their website?

But the real key to understanding the importance of sticky content is knowing why repeat website visitors are so critical. 

Once we understand this, we can get more B2B customers using sticky content. 

Repeat Visitors are Key to Engagement

Having a boatload of repeat visitors is a sure sign you’re doing the right things when it comes to your content creation. Visitors who come back for more are great for a number of reasons…

First, it means you don’t need to spend any extra marketing dollars attracting them. They’re already here! Did you know it costs up to five times more to acquire a new customer than keep current ones?

Second, repeat visitors are far more likely to engage and interact with your content. This is building up those all important trust and interest levels. You can use sticky content to keep your product top of mind with customers.

Third (and the one you’ve been waiting for), repeat visitors are far more likely to buy. And, those visitors who have become customers are fare more likely to buy again (and again).

A study done by Marketing Metrics highlights the importance of building up a repeat customer base. They found that the probability of selling to a new prospect is around 5-20%, while the probability of selling to an existing customer is 60-70%.

So, how do you keep attracting those repeat visitors? Glad you asked – it brings us back to sticky content.

How to Create Sticky Content 

Authors Dan and Chip Heath detail the importance of sharing the right content in their book “Made to Stick.” There’s a reason why some messages take off and others, well, let’s just say it’s not all that inspiring.

It’s content that not only plays on the right tones and emotions, but also communicates your brand, message and story in a simple and concrete way. 

Let’s look at some core principles brands can use to create sticky content that bring visitors back again and again. 

Keep it Simple

Too often brands get caught up in their own industry jargon. And while you might think, since you’re selling to other brands in your industry, it’s fine to be heavy on the details, it can actually be turning customers off.


Tell Stories

Story telling is one of the most powerful tools out there. The best copywriters have been using stories to drive their success for generations. B2B brands can embrace that same idea to take their content from stuffy to personal. 

Highlight Emotions

When it comes to keeping people interested, emotions can play a huge role. Your brand needs to understand the feelings (hopes, fears, dreams) of customers and create content that makes them feel something.

Do the Unexpected

Buck convention and be different. That could mean using negative headlines, or embracing ideas that are counter-intuitive. Doing this can help your brand stand out in the minds of customers by breaking down thought patterns. 

Be Credible (and Correct)

A huge part of gaining repeat visitors is creating content that’s credible. If visitors don’t believe it, they aren’t going to trust you, or return to your site. So weave industry wide facts and figures into your content to prove your case. 

Use these basic principles next time you’re creating content for your brand. If you keep these in mind and showcase content that appeals directly to your website visitors, engages them, and entertains them, you’re going to see a lot more customers. 

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Liz Froment

Liz is a marketing content writer for the Scratch-it team. She loves learning and writing about email marketing. You can find her tweeting about it and a lot more at @lfroment.