Reveal Marketing Gets Social

Ramp up Social Media Engagement with Reveal Marketing

There are few things more important to brands and marketers today than interactivity and engagement online. In fact, we measure those things daily, in the form of clicks, shares, and re-tweets (to name a few).

And, while sending out a Tweet is great, there might be a better way to increase engagement…

In fact, we’re pretty sure there is. 

It’s reveal marketing.

Surprised? Well, you shouldn’t be. 

Today, brands and marketers want their consumers to be actively engaged with their products and services. Simply clicking a link or looking at a photo isn’t enough anymore. In fact, there is a phenomenon called “content fatigue.” Consumers are hit with so much information, it makes them not want to click anything at all.

To really see and feel results on the bottom line, brands need to do more than just get consumers to passively interact. The audience needs to be interested, curious, and entertained.

This is how you can beat the dreaded content fatigue and get consumers engaged and clicking on your campaigns.

Reveal Marketing, Curiosity, and Engagement

So why is reveal marketing perfect for social media? Simple, it drives home factors like curiosity, perceived value and interactivity.

Each of these factors play a key role in the psychology of consumers.

When a person is able to actively engage with a campaign that sparks curiosity. They immediately become more motivated to find out the answers or see what they are missing. Also, when someone actively takes a role in completing something, they will place a higher mental value on it. This is called perceived value.

The potent combination of curiosity and perceived value means that the brands and marketers who are creating campaigns that embrace these ideas on social media platforms, like Facebook, are seeing far greater benefits and results than their competitors.

This study from Demand Metric found, among other stats, that “interactive content is more effective in helping differentiate the content publisher from its competitors. 

Scratch-it Reveal Marketing Content Effectiveness

We’ve found our reveal marketing campaigns have produced a dramatic increase in sustained engagement. In fact, on average, the engagement and interaction rate on a Scratch-it is 24 seconds. That is three times the average 8 second human attention span

Do You Want Higher Engagement?

The brands creating content pieces that tell stories, increase curiosity and have interactivity are seeing huge leaps in their engagement rates. After all, brands with a Facebook page that sees over a 1% engagement rate, are ahead of the game.

So how to increase engagement? One word: interactivity.

Facebook found, in a recent study, that the amount of video in Facebook’s news feeds has increased 3.6 times year over year. But what’s really driving engagement through the roof when comes to video on social media is interactivity. Forrester Research found that “interactive videos have a 1000% higher click through rate than traditional video ads.”

See how these tie together?

It’s also important to take into account that mobile is a key factor here as well. Adobe found that Facebook is accessed by mobile devices 75% of the time. 

However, too many brands and marketers are still ignoring the potential of mobile when it comes to creating content. This is where reveal marketing can truly shine, since it is perfectly suited for mobile devices. Combining reveal marketing and interactive content on Facebook can include trivia games, quizzes, drawing, shaking or spinning a wheel, to name a few. 

By triggering the curiosity of a consumer, they are far more likely to want to participate in the campaign. And because reveal marketing has built in interactivity, perceived value increases, creating positive feelings and a desire to know (and value) a brand more.

All that leads to more clicks. 

With the new advertising platforms and opportunities presented on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, content marketers can boost engagement, click through and conversion rates by embracing reveal marketing campaigns.

Socialize your marketing and maximize follower engagement with Scratch-it.
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Liz Froment

Liz is a marketing content writer for the Scratch-it team. She loves learning and writing about email marketing. You can find her tweeting about it and a lot more at @lfroment.