6 Reasons Why the PSU Business Accelerator Rocks.

As I sit down to write this, I hear a scurrying in the hall.  Two entrepreneurs are hurrying out to their 12 o’clock lunch meeting to talk about Biotech. I follow them down to sample a few dishes at the gluten-free, organic food cart “Thrive” parked nearby. This “Portlandia” vibe wafts throughout the building. A couple weeks ago UBI ranked our accelerator as one of the Global Top 25 University Business Incubators 2014, a position we validate each and every day.

Despite the notoriety of working at one of the best accelerators in the world the fame doesn’t even make the list of the top 6 reasons why we love working here. The real beauty of the PSU Business Accelerator is the people that create this stimulating atmosphere.

With that, I give you the top 6 reasons why the PSU Business Accelerator rocks.

1. Innovators

Perhaps it’s that they kept persevering when everyone else gave up, or maybe they wouldn’t give in to “good enough”, but everyone here is making something revolutionary in their own right.  All of the startups support each other’s desire for innovation and share each other’s vision for innovating the world. The accelerator is comprised of the perfect mix of ambitious workaholics and daydreaming idealists. Just one glance around and you’ll realize that you are working somewhere special.

2 Facility

The Facility is located in a great area just south of downtown Portland between the Portland State University district and South Waterfront. It takes a lot to house 30+ startups, but the accelerator does a fantastic job providing communal kitchens, conference rooms, attentive service, and great bike parking-it is Portland after all.

3. Diversity

Our accelerator has a mix of people spanning from different parts of the world, different socioeconomic backgrounds, and wildly different interests. Every difference we bring from our personal lives is shared and embraced by those who work here.  Empathy and open-mindedness are displayed in full force here, from the ethnic food carts that pass by to the design of each office. The accelerator is not only a wide array of different people, but industries too! It hosts companies in the field of biotech, pharmaceuticals, education, mobile payment, sensor technology, and digital marketing.

4. Creativity

Progressive thinking is our peanut butter and jam. Being innovators and risk-takers our work separates us from close-minded individuals who can’t see the big picture. This means everyone here is able to think outside the box. It’s incredibly refreshing to be in an environment that is evolving at lightning speed. I cannot think of more inspiring and fulfilling work, can you?

5. Passion

Fulfilling work goes hand in hand with personal investment. Many of us around the accelerator have taken a pay cut, or voluntarily contributed our time to building these startups from the bottom up yet I never hear anyone grumbling. This is a place for passionate people. You can’t put a price on passion. The Business Accelerator gives us the structure and inspiration we need to take our product to the next level. We will be laboring and savoring all the time we have within accelerator.

6. Stimulation

This is one of the most stimulating environments anyone could ever work in. There is always something to do, a new person to meet, networking, presentations, or if you’re bored you could do the work you were hired for. Some may say that this sounds stressful, but in reality it’s not. Having no time to waste means you need to be on your A-game all the time, no time for work drama, no time for boredom, not even time for stress. At the accelerator we take all our energy to work towards something positive.

Bonus: Fire Alarms

This list would not be complete without mentioning the easily trigger-able fire alarms. Whether someone is burning toast, building in the basement, or rubbing their hands together the fire alarm is sure to go off. Many people may view this as a draw, but often these false alarms are a well-needed break to socialize with others in the building.

Well there you have it, Scratch-it’s top 6 reasons why we love working here. Interested in getting into the accelerator you can apply here.