At team Scratch-it, there is no greater satisfaction than learning about how our customers are using the tools we provide and the impact it has on their marketing objectives. We like to share the take-aways and ah-ha moments from impactful campaigns so that the whole Scratch-it community can learn and grow together. Behold masterful execution of a Scratch-it win-back campaign, courtesy of our friends at
The Scratch Off Effect: REI
Back in November 2013, outdoor retailer REI, famous for their outdoor gear, sporting goods and clothing, sponsored the Gear Guide issue of Backpacker magazine and ran an in-app digital scratch advertisement for their mobile app subscribers.
Built into the Adobe Digital Publishing Suite, Adobe featured a post on their blog about the scratch ad campaign and the ease of development within the Adobe Cookbook. They dubbed it “the Scratch-Off effect”.
What was great about it?
The Brighter Future of Email Marketing
Learn how Scratch-it is empowering marketers to engage their customers using reveal based experiences that are supported by proven psychological marketing strategies. Download “The Brighter Future of Email Marketing” and learn what Scratch-it can do for you.
Out of the (Red) Box thinking:
Recently, Redbox Automated Retail, the company that specializes in automated DVD and video game rental kiosks, ran a digital scratch email marketing campaign they called ‘Reveal a Deal’.
As Redbox customers and subscribers, a few of us here at the Scratch-it offices received this promo and got to try the very scratch reveal technology that we think we’ve mastered (humbly speaking, of course).
When the campaign email came through our inboxes, we were excited to try it. A digital scratch offer? Oh we will gladly reveal that deal. However, the experience left us scratching our heads. It was clunky, text and imagery were blurry, and there was no clear user path or call to action.