Engaging your audience with reveal marketing

Learn How to Better Engage Your Audience

How many emails do you send every month to people trying to catch their attention? How many of those emails do they unsubscribe from, ignore or delete? The answers to this question varies but usually it hovers somewhere around a lot, and a lot. Your constant goal is to be one of the very few emails powerful enough to gain sustained attention and action.

Grabbing attention is a tough hurdle to jump. Too many words? A customer won’t take the time to read it. Look like every other marketing email they’ve ever gotten? Trash it. Send it at the wrong time? It won’t even get noticed.

So how do you effortlessly overcome the hurdle of getting customers to engage? Incite curiosity.


An internet-simulation study by two marketing professors found that generating curiosity about a product by only providing partial information in the advertising increased customer motivation to seek out more knowledge. It also found that the audience was more likely to remember the incomplete information.

The idea of getting more for less seems counter intuitive, but it works. Us marketers like to hand knowledge to customers on a silver platter because we want them to know as much as possible about our products. However, by shrouding knowledge or a product and adding a pinch of mystery, you entice curiosity which is shown to consistently increase engagement.

So how do I increase curiosity?

Reveal Marketing

Reveal marketing takes the concept of partial information a step farther. Through the use of visual cues merged with requiring an interactive action to view the content causes customers to actually want to take the time to read what you’re hiding from them.

Whether you’re revealing a coupon, a special deal, or simply information, you’ve created an engaged audience primed for your message.

As a marketer you are tasked with appealing to people, capturing their attention and diverting it to your website. Reveal marketing is an easy way to add this much needed appeal while gaining sustained engagement.

Don’t let your beautifully crafted emails go ignored . After all hide and seek isn’t fun if nobody hides.

Whether you’re super interested, or think it’s silly, we’d love to hear your thoughts in the comment section below.