Google is the second-largest US company by market value. Its been called the greatest company, the smartest, and the most innovative. Jimmy Wales the outspoken co-founder of Wikipedia said, “If it isn’t on Google, it doesn’t exist.”

Scratch-it is a company of employees that believes in quality and attention to detail in all that we do. This ranges from our creative and innovative design team, to our friendly and knowledgeable sales and marketing team, to our crack development team, all the way back to our experienced and fearless leadership team. These values and principles carry over to our social and recreational life as well. (more…)

Welcome Aboard, Levi!
There has been quite a bit of a buzz surrounding the recent arrival of our newest developer Levi Schoen. A lot of the buzz is due to what he’ll be working on—Ruby on Rails and Angular. Levi will be working alongside our CTO Carl Thorner to add a wave of new features that Scratch-it has in the works.

Scratch-its Whiskey Cart is here and WOW is she a beauty
The Prologue: In the early summer of 2014, the Scratch-it VP of Sales went off on an adventure around the state of Oregon searching for the finest wood the land had to offer. This was no ordinary wood he was searching for, but wood with character. Why did the wood need character you ask? Simple, this would be the wood for Scratch-it’s whiskey cart and both whiskey and Scratch-it have a whole lot of character.

Who needs the A-TEAM when you could have the Zeal Team?
All of us here at Scratch-it gush with pride when asked how we developed the Scratch-it platform. Why? Well, for one it looks and works great. However we cannot take all the credit. Ladies and Gentlemen we have a confession. The most adept developing team in the Northwest personally assisted Scratch-it. The Zeal team. Time to cue the theme song because these guys are coding heroes.